10 June 2024

Runway 4R Re-opens

With the construction work on Runway 4R/22L completed, the runway will re-open today. Later this afternoon, Runway 4L/22R will close for continuous repairs similar to the work done to 4R, lasting to 02 September (weather permitting). Runway 8L will remain shortened to 8,600 feet, with Taxiway E as the last exit point; and Runway 26R will remain closed for arrivals.

The above illustration shows Runway 4L/22R closed, along with the corresponding taxiways. Because most arriving heavy traffic is required to roll to the end of Runway 4R, they are not able to turn left to taxi to the main terminal. Only flights going to the south ramp are landing on 4R, or those able to turn left at Taxiway E. Most commercial and military flights will have to land on Runway 8L, with Taxiway E as the last exit point. Runway 8R is available for full-length arrivals on request. Aircraft can cross both Runway 4s at Taxiway D or E when going between the north to south sides.

No mention was made if there should be a reversal in the traffic pattern.  Both Runway 26R and 22R would be closed for arrivals, but 26R will be open from Taxiway E for departures. 22L can be used for departures, though traffic from Terminals 1 and 2 will cross the 22s at Taxiway D or E, then down Taxiway C.

Further information in this HDOT press release.

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