A fine mix of 747’s, DC-8’s and DC-10’s surrounding the Diamond Head terminal in the mid 1970’s. You don’t see stairs being used for 747’s and DC-10’s these days let alone in the area seen here. Two of United’s aircraft do not yet have the "stars and bars" livery on their fuselage. The Japan Airlines 747 is likely inbound from LAX and continuing on to Tokyo. Visible also is the tail of a Korean Air 747. Photo credit State of Hawaii Archives
Oooh! That brings back a lot of memories, doesn't it! Look at the old UA "Friendship" livery!
I don't miss boarding a DC-10 or 747 by stairs. :-D Something they still do at KOA.
Mahalo for posting that!
Lots of memories. Seems like only yesterday. Look for more "Blasts From the Past" in the next few days!
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