The taxi-in line to Gates 50 and 51 have been combined into one. I'm not sure why it was done, since there should not have been any issues getting the 717 in and out of those three gates with the original taxi-in lines. It looks like you could park a 767 on the line, but it would be hazardous to get the 767 into the gate with the fence line and light poles being so close.

This HA 767 recently had its rudder replaced. I first saw it a couple of weeks ago parked on the Elliott Street hardstand, but have not seen the registration number.

HA now uses Gate 54 to park 767s. This picture shows N589HA in Gate 54.
Actually, it would be almost impossible to fit 3 717's into that annex area. It was a tight squeeze for the 3 emb-170s.
Though AQ squeezed 732s in that corner ...
I just noticed the reason it became tighter is because the 717 is 14 feet longer than the 73G. This caused the 717 to have to park further in at Gate 52 and the other taxi-in lines to be moved from where they were originally. You can see in the picture, the concrete pads mark where the line was originally at Gate 51. Then it was moved to the right.
But, I still don't see why they would need to restripe the 2 lines into one. They could have left the lines and just use each gate one at a time, like they are doing now.
When the extension to the Mauka Pier is done a few years from now, it will be able to house 767s, A330s and hopefully some of HA's A350s ...
The 737W has a 7m wingspan difference between the 732 and the 712, which is why AQ hardly ever put them in the corner ...
As far as the re-stripe, maybe it would come down to a dispatch issue if a 712 had an mx problem atone of the outer gates, and blocked 1 or 2 in the corner ...
No HAT here.
Hawaiian=No Aloha...never believe the hype son!
I believe the airport has to follow certain standards and not only ones set by FAA. Loading bridges have limits with ADA regulations placing limits on slopes.
Was out there the other day delivering interline bags and wondered if HA intended to start fueling via tanker trucks at certain gates.
Can and does the trip 7 land at PHKO. I was on a HA flight from the bay area and the flight attendents told me that they we in the process of begining a switch from their older 767's to 777. Also i live under the departure path for RW's 28R and 28L at SFO if yall need/want any pics let me know i love sitting out there so it wouldnt be too much to ask.
I call myself the konakid because i am in the process of selling here in the bay and moving to the dryside. i hope to be out that way by august and i hope to be able to contribute to this forum in some way shape and form.
Aircraft is my passion and i am glad to see i am going to a place where it is a common interest amoung atleast a few besides my self
HA will be switching to A330-200s later in the year, not 777s.
lol.. you wish they were getting 777s! Just used A330s...go Airbus lol!
i thought the a330s were gonna be brand new.
**I stand corrected
The A330-200s will be brand new. The 1st of 27 "FRENCH" A332 Airbuses will be rolling into HNL in April. 2nd in May and 3rd in Nov...
Good luck funding all of that!
Well i hope they will be better than those cramped 767's, but yes i know thes day when it comes to flying it is how many sardines you can cram in that can. Then Again compare to all the other guys you are paying Southwest prices to get there you cant complain. maybe i can hope on one of those 330's depending on where they are flying to and from.
But can/does a trip 7 land a phko
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