26 July 2006

Hau‘oli La Hanau Aloha Airlines!

Aloha Airlines (AQ) celebrated its 60th birthday today with a fashion show of Aloha Flight Attendants modeling FA uniforms from 1946 (as Trans-Pacific Airlines) to the present 2005 version in the Makai Pier of the Inter-Island Terminal. It also featured N823AL, a.k.a. the "Funbird".

The Aloha flight attendants models pose in the uniforms of past and present for a group shot with N823AL in the background.

Flight Attendants Jodi (left, in the 1969-era uniform) and Bernie (right, in the 1976-era uniform) pose in the intake of the Funbird's starboard JT8D engine.

Flight Attendants Chrissy (left) and Kaipo (right) model their 1973-era uniforms atop the starboard wing of the Funbird.

The Funbird poses at Gate 54 for the 60th birthday celebration.

A big Mahalo to the folks @ Aloha Airlines for allowing me to be a part of their celebration!

1 comment:

Pan Am Hawaii said...

It's great to see Aloha celebrate the way they are doing. Rudy Tongg and Hung Wo Ching would be very proud!

Aloha, Aloha!