N30652, a Cessna 177 "Cardinal" of Anderson Aviation, was reported missing off the coast of Moloka‘i Thursday night, with an instructor and pilot on board. The flight was bound for HNM (Hana, Mau‘i) from HNL. Our prayers and condolences go out to the loved ones and the families of the 2 pilots lost on this plane.
The photo above was taken in August 2005, as it was preparing for a flight.
The Honolulu Advertiser article.
It is quite sad to hear of the loss of the two pilots and the loss of this aircraft. I have quite a few hours on Cardinal 652 and have flow the same route to HNM via the north shore of Molokai many times.
It sems of all the routes between the islands, the north shore of Molokai seems to have more than its share of aircraft losses.
Still remember flying this bird during my initial PPL training @ Anderson Aviation. I remember the two pilots since we frequently passed each other by when sharing time with Cardinal 652. A great aircraft to fly, and a greater loss for the pilot community at HNL.
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