26 July 2024

US-Bangla Airlines' S2-AJB

US-Bangla Airlines is returning S2-AJB (c/n 28251, l/n 1200) to its lessor, AerCap. This 737-8Q8 is making its ferry flight from SZB to the mainland, via GUM and JRF. It will make an overnight stop at JRF tonight.

28251's History:
Sep 2002: Delivered to Shanghai Airlines as B-2686, under lease from ILFC.
Jan 2010: Painted in the current livery.
May 2014: Acquired by AerCap, and the lease transferred.
Nov 2016: Leased to US-Bangla Airlines as S2-AJB.
Sep 2022: Ferried to HYD for storage for 11 months.
Dec 2023: Withdrawn from service, and stored at DAC.

photo to follow ...

Shanghai Airlines' B-225G

Shanghai Airlines is taking delivery of B-225G (c/n 61654, l/n 7919) today. This 737-8 is making its delivery flight from BFI to PVG, via HNL and GUM, as CSH9001; and will make an overnight stop at HNL tonight.

Upcoming 737MAX Deliveries

With airlines around Asia and Oceania ordering the 737 MAX series, a majority of these airliners will stop through Hawai‘i (mainly HNL) during the first segment of their island-hopping delivery flights from Boeing Field (BFI) [map]. Boeing has indicated that the variants will be referred to as the -x without the MAX name, we will do the same.

We launched our own Google Sheet documenting the 737 information below, as well as deliveries as of 2021.

Boeing P-8As and E-7As on order for armed forces around the Pacific Rim have been added below.

This post will be continuously updated as new information becomes available.

According to the Boeing Test Fights Google Sheet and PlaneSpotters.net's 737 MAX Production List, these listed below are the airframes that have begun final assembly, made its first flight from RNT, or are being readied for delivery on the BFI flightline. Those listed below, should make a stopover in Hawai‘i on their first segment out of BFI on their delivery flights in the near future. In the past, additional information was also provided by Tyke's Aero Blog, and The Boeing Test Flights website.

8234 | B-____ | 61457 | Shandong Airlines | -8 [07.06.24 BOE680 to JRF as N234BE]
8532 | A62-001 | 67959 | Royal Australian Air Force | -8 BBJ [07.10.24 ASY378 fr DAL ]
7919 | B-225G | 61654 | Shanghai Airlines | -8 [07.26.24 CSH9001]

» Ferrying to HSN [Zhoushan, China] for cabin completion, with a Boeing flight code.

• • • • •

737 MAX
7263 | B-206L | 61374 | 9 Air | -8 (orange) | BOE452 « VCV
7346 | B-208J | 61142 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE935 « BFI » Air India Express VT-___
7351 | B-208E | 63276 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE692 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7371 | B-209A | 63284 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE693 « VCV » Air India Express VT-___
7408 | B-209C | 63287 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE694 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7415 | B-208F | 63277 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE695 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7440 | B-20A3 | 61637 | Shanghai Airlines | -8 | BOE616 « BFI
7493 | B-209V | 61143 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE936 « BFI » Air India Express VT-___
7496 | B-209T | 63279 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE697 « BFI
7506 | B-20A6 | 60910 | Air China | -8 | BOE267 « BFI » Air India Express VT-BXY
7508 | B-20A0 | 61448 | Shandong Airlines | -8 * | BOE658 « SKF » Air India Express VT-___
7511 | B-209S | 63278 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE698 « SKF
7519 | B-209W | 61144 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE937 « BFI » Air India Express VT-___ (N5573L)
7530 | B-209U | 63289 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE699 « SKF » Air India Express VT-___
7546 | B-20AY | 61644 | Shanghai Airlines | -8 | BOE618 « VCV 
7575 | B-20AG | 61449 | Shandong Airlines | -8 | BOE659 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7595 | B-20C7 | 63281 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE696 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7613 | B-20AU | 63290 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE701 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7619 | B-20AQ | 42961 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE336 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7624 | B-____ | 61712 | Kunming Airlines | -8 | BOE201 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7645 | B-20CC | 61645 | Shanghai Airlines | -8 | BOE619 « MWH
7646 | B-20AT | 63280 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE702 « VCV
7651 | B-20AX | 61450 | Shandong Airlines | -8 | BOE661 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7662 | B-20AZ | 43833 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE338 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7676 | B-20DK | 61147 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE940 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7677 | B-20D3 | 63286 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE703 « BFI
7690 | B-20CQ | 64677 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE339 « MWH
7691 | B-20C9 | 63283 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE704 « BFI
7697 | B-20CR | 64678 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE340 « MWH
7706 | B-20CM | 43834 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE341 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7715 | B-20D6 | 65258 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE712 « MWH
7720 | B-20CF | 61454 | Shandong Airlines | -8 | BOE663 « BFI » Air India Express VT-___ (N5515R)
7723 | B-20DL | 61148 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE941 « MWH
7728 | B-20CU | 65274 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE713  « VCV
7738 | B-20D5 | 63288 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE706 « MWH
7750 | B-20CL | 43836 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE342 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7751 | B-20CT | 65251 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE714 « MWH
7761 | B-20DH | 60922 | Air China | -8 BOE275 « MWH
7764 | B-____ | 65275 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE715 « MWH
7775 | B-20D0 | 61455 | Shandong Airlines | -8 | BOE665 « MWH
7782 | B-20CP | 43837 | Xiamen Air | -8* BOE370 « VCV » Air India Express VT-___
7784 | B-____ | 65253 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE716 « MWH
7792 | B-225H | 64708 | Fuzhou Airlines | -8 | BOE513 « MWH
7795 | B-____ | 65257 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE717 « MWH
7798 | B-20DP | 61157 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE942 « MWH
7809 | B-20DN | 61150 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE943 « BFI
7813 | B-20DJ | 60923 | Air China | -8 | BOE276 « MWH
7817 | B-20DU | 42963 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE3711 « MWH
7826 | B-____ | 61652 | China Eastern Airlines | -8 | BOE622 « MWH » Air India Express VT-___
7831 | B-20DV | 42964 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE372 « MWH
7848 | B-20DW | 42962 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE373 « MWH
7856 | B-20DZ | 61151 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE944 « BFI » Boeing N235BE
7860 | B-20E0 | 43838 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE374 « VCV
7865 | B-20DQ | 60924 | Air China | -8 | BOE278  « MWH
7867 | B-20E1 | 64679 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE375 « VCV
7875 | B-____ | 65250 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE719 « VCV
7878 | B-20E2 | 61456 | Shandong Airlines | -8 | BOE666 « VCV
7887 | B-____ | 63291 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE708  « MWH
7929 | B-____ | 61385 | 9Air | -8 (orange) | BOE454  « MWH
7931 | B-20DS | 60826 | Air China | -8 | BOE279 « MWH
7934 | B-20DX | 64680 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE376  « MWH
7944 | B-20E3 | 60928 | Air China | -8 | BOE280 « MWH
7948 | B-20DY | 64681 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE377 « MWH
7971 | B-____ | 60930 | Air China | -8 | BOE281 « VCV » Boeing N5573K
8001 | B-224E | 61657 | Shanghai Airlines | -8 | BOE625 « VCV
8025 | B-20EA | 64682 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE378 « VCV
8038 | B-____ | 61659 | Shanghai Airlines | -8 | BOE627 « MWH
8100 | B-____ | 43840 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE380 « MWH
8125 | B-____ | 61661 | Shanghai Airlines | -8 | BOE629 « MWH
8178 | B-____ | 61154 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE950 « MWH
8181 | B-____ | 60938 | Air China | -8 | BOE284 « MWH
8186 | B-____ | 43841 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE387 « MWH
8189 | B-____ | 61460 | Shandong Airlines | -8 | BOE679 « MWH
8194 | B-____ | 43845 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE388 « MWH
8206 | B-____ | 60941 | Air China | -8 | BOE287 « BFI
8212 | B-____ | 61156 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE953 « MWH » Air India Express VT-BWF
8213 | B-____ | 61710 | Kunming Airlines | -8 | BOE203 « BFI
8220 | B-____ | 43848 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE390 « MWH
8221 | B-____ | 60942 | Air China | -8 | BOE289 « VCV » Boeing N5573P
8229 | B-____ | 61124 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE954 « BFI
8235 | B-____ | 61153 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 | BOE955 « MWH » Boeing N5573B
8242 | B-____ | 61157 | Shenzhen Airlines | -8 BOE956 « BFI  » Boeing N230BE
8248 | B-____ | 43847 | Xiamen Air | -8 | BOE391 « MWH
8254 | B-224L | 65254 | China Southern Airlines | -8 | BOE171 « BFI
8610 | A62-002 | 67960 | Royal Australian Air Force | -8 BBJ | BOE9  « GED
8879 | HL7216 | 63442 | Jin Air | -8 | BOE385 « PDX
8882 | VH-8IE  | 66644 | Virgin Australia | -8 | BOE6 « BFI
8914 | VT-YBB | _____ | Akasa Air | -8 | BOE451  « BFI 
8918 | HL7217 | 63445 | Jin Air | -8 | BOE386 « BFI
8944 | VH-8IH | 66650 | Virgin Australia | -8 | BOE9 « BFI

• • •

P-8A and E-7A
9142 | 230921 | 66448 | Republic of Korea Navy | P-8A | « NIP
9526 | 230922 | 67012 | Republic of Korea Navy | P-8A | POSIDN1 « NIP
9602 | 230923 | 67013 | Republic of Korea Navy | P-8A « BFI
____ | 230925 | 67014 | Republic of Korea Navy | P-8A « RNT
____ | 230926 | 67015 | Republic of Korea Navy | P-8A « RNT
____ | 230927 | 67016 | Republic of Korea Navy | P-8A « RNT

The RoK Navy P-8As may be re-designated as P-8Ks.

• • • • • 

« Final Assembly / Pre-Flight Prep / First Flight from RNT
« Pre-Delivery Test Flights / Ready For Delivery
« Stored (Location [IATA])
° New / Modified Livery
* Special Livery / Markings
» New airline and registration
» Boeing registration for ferry to HSN

RNT: Renton Municipal Airport, Renton, WA
BFI: Boeing Field International Airport, Seattle, WA
PAE: Snohomish County Airport (Paine Field), Everett, WA
MWH: Grant County International Airport, Moses Lake, WA
SKF: Kelly Field, San Antonio, TX
VCV: Southern California Logistics Airport, Victorville, CA
NIP: Naval Air Station Jacksonville / Jacksonville Airport, Jacksonville, FL
GED: Delaware Coastal Airport, Georgetown, DE

• • • • •

In the event that a delivery flight stops through any Hawai‘i airport other than HNL, their IATA airport code will noted after the flight number. 

Delivery flights that go through ANC, KEF, or any other non-Hawai‘i airport, will only be listed on our Google Sheet.

Due to the airworthiness directive for the 737MAX series, along with delivery deferrals, some airframes may deliver from sites other than BFI, and will be noted in the flight number information. 

If an airframe listed is sold to another airline, it will be noted with a » symbol, along with the new airline and registration. If the airframe delivers through Hawai‘i, the information will be revised with the delivery information. If it's not making a delivery flight through Hawai‘i, that listing will not be changed to the new airline, then removed upon its delivery flight. That information will be kept on our Google Sheet.

Air India Express is acquiring 55 737-8s that were built for Chinese customers, and have been re-marketed by Boeing, as part of Air India's massive order with Boeing. Akasa Air is also purchasing China-bound 737-8s re-marketed by Boeing.

Most 737s delivering to airlines in India will deliver east-bound through KEF [Keflavik International Airport, Keflavik, Iceland] as their first fuel stop. 
Most 737s delivering to airlines in the Republic of Korea normally delivers through ANC [Ted Stevens International Airport, Anchorage, AK] for their first fuel stop.
In the event they deliver through Hawai‘i, they will be listed on a post, and on the deliveries page.

Some of the deliveries bound for China will ferry to the Boeing China 737 Completion and Delivery Center, in Zhoushan, China, will have this
» symbol following the flight number, that probably will be the Boeing test flight number assigned to the particular airframe.


24 July 2024

Pacific Air Cargo Launches HNL-GUM Service

Kalitta Air is launching a weekly 747-400F LAX-HNL-GUM service today for Pacific Air Cargo. This will be in addition to their daily LAX-HNL round-trip service. This new one-way service is flown as CKS380. N705CK "Dwight Palmer" (c/n 26413, l/n 1286), a 747-4B5F, is making the first flight today.

17 July 2024

QantasLink's VH-NXE

Southern Cross International is ferrying QantasLink's VH-NXE "Maria Island National Park" (c/n 55063, l/n 5034) from CBR to VCV, via APW and KOA. This 717-23S, which was owned by National Jet Systems, is flying as SXI2452, and will make an overnight stop at KOA tonight.

55063's History:
Sep 2000: Delivered to Impulse Airlines as VH-SMH, under lease from Pembroke.
May 2001: Operated for QantasLink VH-VQE.
May 2004: Leased to Jetstar Airways.
Jun 2005: Leased to National Jet Systems, re-registered as VH-NXE, and named "Maria Island National Park".
Jun 2007: Sold to All Aviation, and the lease transferred.
Jan 2011: Sold to HKAC, and the lease transferred.
Jan 2022: Painted in the current livery.

15 July 2024

USS Carl Vinson Visit

I went on an embark tour of the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) today. As part of RIMPAC 2024, the Vinson is the lead aircraft carrier for this maritime exercise. The ship left port on 11 July, and began flight operations the next day, and has been running flight ops since. I was part of a five-person media group that included a reporter from Naval News, a pair of reporters from France, and a local independent writer.

For our embark tour, we were taken to Marine Corps Air Station at Kāneʻohe Bay (NGF), where we would ride on a CMV-22B from the VRM-30 "Titans". After a meeting and a safety briefing, we donned our aviators life preserver, foam earplugs, and cranial helmet, then proceeded to walk out to the ramp to our awaiting Osprey, Bu No 169454 (msn D2020, f/n 24). Once seated and strapped in, it was a short taxi to Runway 4, and a quick takeoff as RUDY24. Our flight out to CVN-70 was listed at 45 minutes, with a routing that turned left to cross the Ko‘olau Mountains, and somewhere to the south.

Once aboard the USS Carl Vinson, we had lunch, then a quick briefing with the ship's PAO, LCMDR Devin Arneson and her team. Our first stop was the flight deck. Before going out, we all had to put on a safety vest, and cranial. There were FA-18Es, FA-18Fs, F-35s, and EA-18Gs being launched off of the two side catapults. Once the launches were completed, the deck was readied for recoveries as other jets were returning from their sorties. The closest we were to the to the launches and recoveries was about 15 yards.

After the flight deck, it was an interview session with Admiral Michael Wosje, Commander of Carrier Strike Group 1; and Captain Matthew Thomas, Commanding Officer of the USS Carl Vinson. We also got to see the flight ops room, the navigation room, and the observation deck to view more flight ops, but from a hight point-of-view. We also got a tour of the ship's medical section. After a short break, we were treated to a second tour of the flight deck, which had launches off one of the forward catapults, and recoveries on the aft deck.

The last part of the tour was the hangar deck, where there were some aircraft undergoing maintenance, and some stored to save flight deck space. It was amazing to see the amount of aircraft parked on this deck, and such a confined space.

When it was time to leave to return to K-Bay, we all got ready with our life preservers and cranials, and waited for our CMV-22B. RUDY24 returned to take us back to shore. We boarded the tilt-rotor, strapped in, and departed the Vinson in less than ten minutes. Our 45-minute flight took us back over Honolulu, the Koʻolau Range, and Kāneʻohe Bay, before landing on NGF's Runway 4. A short taxi to the Air Terminal ramp concluded as dusk began to fall.

We would like to extend a big māhalo to the people at RIMPAC Media for the invite of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Thank you for your service!

11 July 2024

N144KW Crashes Off The Nā Pali Coast

N144KW (msn 12805), a Robinson R44, owned by Aloha Helicopter Tours LLC [Līhuʻe, Kauaʻi, HI] (operating as Aliʻi Air Tours & Charters) crashed off of Kauaʻi's Nā Pali Coast, abeam the Hanakoa Valley. The helicopter was last tracked at 13:20HAST, and the crash was called in by hikers at Hanakoa Valley. 

Hawaii News Now reports that one person was killed, and two remain missing. The US Coast Guard dispatched an HC-130J and an HH-65A, and the US Army sent a UH-60 to assist in search and rescue efforts. Other civilian helicopters have assisted as well.

Our condolences and prayers go out to those lost in the accident.

Hawaiian Airlines' N227HA Runway Excursion

Hawaiian Airlines' N227HA "Olopua" (msn 9223, f/n 227) had a runway excursion after landing on OGG's Runway 2 this afternoon. This A321-271N, flying as HAL29 from SEA, was able stop in the runway safety area. Reports say that there was an issue with the brakes. None of the 173 passengers and six crew were injured, and the A321N did not sustain any damage.

Further information in this Hawaii News Now report.

Boeing's N779XX

Boeing is flying N779XX (c/n 64241, l/n 1571) from PAE to KOA for test flights around the Hawaiian Islands, and testing the nacelle cooling system. This 777-9, the second testbed built, is flying as BOE2. It's not known how long it will be here.

10 July 2024

Hawaiian Airlines' Amazon Prime Air Service

Amazon Prime Air has added a Hawaiian Airlines-operated A330-343F flight between SBD and HNL. N4621K began service on Monday, 08 July, as HAL1621, and the return leg is flown as HAL1728.

Royal Australian Air Force's A62-001

The Royal Australian Air Force is taking delivery of its first of two 737-8 BBJs to replace their 737-700 BBJs. A62-001 (c/n 67959,  l/n 8532) is making its delivery flight from DAL as ASY378. It had been flying around to different US Military bases since 22 June. A62-001 will make an overnight stop at HNL, and continue onto CBR in the morning. This BBJ will be assigned to No. 34 Squadron.

09 July 2024

Alliance Airlines' N292JB

Alliance Airlines is taking delivery of N292JB (msn 19000179). This ERJ-190AR, being flown by Southern Cross International as SXI2446, is making its delivery flight from SJO to BNE, via SDM, HNL, and BNE. It made its SJO-SDM segment yesterday, and making its SDM-HNL segment today with an overnight stop. It will receive its new registration, VH-A2T, after it completes its delivery flight.

19000179's History:
Jun 2008: Delivered to JetBlue as N292JB "Parley-blue" (f/n 292) with the "Bubbles" tail livery.
Oct 2016: Tail livery repainted in the "Tartan" design.
Nov 2022: Withdrawn from service, and stored at MZJ.
Apr 2023: Acquired by Wilmington Trust Company.
Dec 2023: Acquired by TVPX Trust Services.
Jan 2024: Ferried to SJO for prep to Alliance Airlines.

08 July 2024

Omni Air International's N36NE

One of the two 767-300ERs that Omni Air International that operates for the NFL's New England Patriots, is making a stop at HNL this afternoon. N36NE (c/n 25193, l/n 388) is flying as OAE2348 from NID [Naval Air Station China Lake, China Lake, CA].

25193's History:
Sep 1991: Delivered to American Airlines as N366AA (f/n 366).
Jan 2013: Painted in the current livery.
Jan 2016: Withdrawn from service, and stored at ROW for three months.
Apr 2016: Ferried to SBD for storage, and acquired by Unical Aviation a month later.
Sep 2017: Acquired by the New England Patriots as N36NE, and operated by Eastern Airlines.
Feb 2024: Operating contract changed to Omni Air International.


N788DP (c/n 29441, l/n 111), a 737-79U BBJ owned by DP World FZE, is making a stop at HNL.

Republic of Korea Air Force's 22-001

The Republic of Korea Air Force's [ROKAF] 747-8i, 22-001 (c/n 60410, l/n 1538), is making a stop at HIK, as President Yoon Suk Yeol and First Lady Kim Keon Hee are visiting O‘ahu. President Yoon will meet with the US Indo-Pacific Command, before continuing onto Washington, DC for further meetings.

Further information in this Kores Joongong Daily article.

60410's History:
May 2017: Delivered to Korean Air as HL7463.
Feb 2021: Withdrawn from service.
Mar 2021: Ferried to HAM for VIP cabin conversion.
Dec 2021: Acquired by the Government of South Korea, to be operated by the ROKAF as the presidential transport.
Jun 2022: Re-registered as 22-001.

06 July 2024

Shandong Airlines' N234BE

Boeing is ferrying N234BE (c/n 61457, l/n 8234) for Shandong Airlines, from BFI to HSN, via JRF and GUM, for cabin completion. This 737-8, flying as BOE680, will be delivered to Shandong Airlines upon completion, and receive its Chinese registration.

05 July 2024


Nomadic Aviation is ferrying N195AN (c/n 32389, l/n 984) from XMN to GYR, via GUM and JRF. This white-tail 757-223F, owned by AerSale, is flying as OMD211, will make a brief fuel stop at JRF this evening.

N195AN stopped through JRF on its way for freighter conversion in August 2023.