On this day, we honor those brave and valiant men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our country (in the past, and the current) from evil tyrants bent on destroying the freedoms given to us by God and our founding fathers.
This photo is from the 2004 Blues On The Bay Airshow, and shows three US Marine Corps F/A-18Ds from the VMFA-533 "Hawks" (MCAS Beaufort, SC) as they rest on the MCAF Kane‘ohe Bay ramp, late in the afternoon.
Ugh. You were doing great until you injected religion into your aviation blog.
Hmm ... my guess is, you must have forgotten American history ... our US Constitution (and many of our laws) was founded upon the Bible, and the Christian faith. Many of our founding fathers were strong Christians as well.
By the way ... please re-read the "The Fine Print".
andy k.:
I don't think blue wave 707 really injected religion on the post, rather, it was more a reference to the founding principles of our country and the military. Our money has "In God We Trust," yet I'm sure you still use it, right?
Besides, it is HIS blog, and I would propose that he can pretty much say whatever he wants to in his blog. I am far from being a religious person myself, so don't get me wrong, but I personally see nothing wrong with something such as his wording on a beautiful tribute to the men and women of the armed forcess that defend our freedoms...including the freedom of speech.
Ugh. andy k. You never were doing great. Here is a history refresher for you. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." That's direct from the Declaration of Independence.
Does it make you made when you see "Creator" capitalized? For your "types" it does. My advice is to enjoy the blog, your freedoms, and the rights that you were endowed with.
God Bless America.
Above all else, "God Bless The USA," the awesome country that allows us to have blogspots, choose our religion (or not), speak freely, and live our lives opression-free!
If you've taken the time to visit ANY national cemetery, each fallen soldier's grave marker reflects their faith. Christians have a cross, Jewish have the Star of David, Muslims have the Crescent Moon, ... the fact of the matter is that these men and women interred in all of our nartional cemeteries paid the ultimate price in preserving and protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us by the US Constitutuion, Bill of Rights, and the Delaration of Independence ... and by God.
I am a Christian man of faith, that is who I am. To me, faith is more important than religion. (Hebrews 11:1-3) I choose to believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. What you choose to believe is a personal decision.
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