It seems to be happening way too fast. This was the scene at Aloha's final arrival. Such a sad moment in history. Employees of Aloha all gathered around the last flight were all kind of emotions where exchanged. What my pictures dont show are the other supporters that came out to bid Aloha good bye. On the opposite side of the 732 where the employees of Hawaiian, showing some aloha to there fellow ohana. People from United, Swissport, WFS, Sherrifs, and various other airport staff also came out to witness history. Thank you Aloha for your 61 years of fabulous service.

Tonight a similar story showed again. This time it was ATA's turn to be placed into the pages of history. ATA's last flight nationwide was to take off from Honolulu. Word came down the line as we were servicing N517AT, a 757-200, that this flight would be the last flight of ATA. At first we thought that it was a late April Fool's joke. We soon found out from operations that this was no joke. This was for real. TZ4586 for PHX lifted off around 0030. What a way to see a airline go. I had the privilege of waving off the last ATA flight out of HNL.

ATA was our main contract at night. With them gone now, Im not sure of our employment situation. We also service Air Canada and Air Pacific. Air Canada has reduced flights for this month to five days a week. Air Pacific had two days per week. We where servicing ATA every night. After seeing what Aloha's employees had to go though, I would have never thought that a similar situation hit so close to home so quickly.
Aeros, Thanks for posting the photos of Aloha's final arrival at HNL. Do you have more photos to share from that night? Good luck with you now that ATA has ceased operations. It's a tought time for aviation in Hawaii right now.
Two airlines disappearing in the same blog entry. It's so unreal. Wishing you good luck, Aeros. Glad it was you that waved off that last TransAir.
Aeros, do you work for WFS? Unlike the last AQ arrival there are not many documented photos of the last TZ departure. I just so happened to stumble upon yours. Do you have any more pics of the last 4586? We were the gate agents that got the bad news at 10 and are just looking for other pics that were taken. Thanks
If you provide a email addy I send them over to you.
Aeros, I put a post with my email on your blog. Again, thanks for your time. I hope all works well from the ramp perspective. Take care.
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