After performing their last F-15 left overhead break, the pair of F-15s landed on Runway 8L, and taxied back to the 199th's ramp. The two Eagles (seen above) return to their clamshells after their final HANG training sortie. The top photo shows F-15C 78-0509, piloted by Lt. Col. Jeffrey "Saw" Sage, and the above photo shows F-15C 78-0522, piloted by Lt. Col. Mark "Odie" Ladtkow, taxiing in. Also, both the "HH" tail code, and the "Hawai‘i" tail flash have been painted over. These two Eagles are destined for Nellis AFB, NV.

Upon deplaning, both "Eagle Drivers" were hosed by junior pilots, as a sign of the end of the F-15 era with the HANG. After being hosed, "Odie" and "Saw" posed for photos and interviews by the press, and social media. "Saw's" wife provided the lei for the pilots. They will go on to complete F-22 training with the retirement of the F-15s.
HNL RareBirds extends a warm mahalo to Pacific Air Forces, the Hawai‘i Air National Guard, the 154th Wing, and the 199th Fighter Sqaudron for your service to our country and state, plus allowing us to attend today's event.
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