01 June 2016

Freedom Air's ZK-OJK

This month's edition of "HNL RareBirds Classic" takes us back to June 2005, with this Freedom Air International [SJ/FOM] (New Zealand) A320-232, ZK-OJK (msn 2445). It was making a stopover at HNL while making its delivery flight from TLS to AKL.

A year after delivery, it was sold to BBAM, then leased to TAM Linhas Aéreas [JJ/TAM](Brazil) as PR-MBJ. In May 2012, it made its way back to New Zealand, as it was leased to Air New Zealand, and retained its ZK-OJK tail number. It continues to fly with Air New Zealand, and was painted in the current black and white livery.

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