Earlier this week, N834AL, painted all white, was parked in the Aloha Air Cargo hangar. It was a little suspicious as the registration was in red instead of the normal dark blue. Here is a picture of what it looked like yesterday, May 27.

Well, the reason for this is that Aloha Air Cargo has applied a special livery to the starboard side of N834AL. In a ceremony earlier in the day, Aloha Air Cargo and Love's Bakery unveiled the livery to the public. Here's a picture of the livery taken after the aircraft was moved back into the hangar after the ceremony.

The Love's Bakery livery is only on the starboard side of the aircraft. The tail is painted red with the Love's name on its typical yellow background. The words "Hawaii's Fresh Express" are on the rear part of the fuselage with the iconic red and white checkerboard Love's logo on the front part. The engine is also painted red, with "Aloha Air Cargo" in white. The port side is painted in the new Aloha Air Cargo livery.
See another picture in the
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